Christopher Cherry

With all the weight loss plans, programs and diets, Christopher Cherry’s Lose Weight The Easy Way is surely in the top five as a successful method for losing pounds. Certainly not a diet plan, nor a calorie-controlled plan of action either, Cherry’s method is a very effective way of losing weight the easy way. His method includes the normal recording of daily body weight over the designed set period. This easy weight reducing method has no harmful toxins nor does it carry any biological or metabolic risk to the body. Completely safe with no side effects, the human body is designed to conform with this method of weight loss. It doesn’t matter how overweight you presently are, you will keep up your weight loss if you stick to Christopher Cherry’s easy-to-use rules.

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Detalles del producto

  • Limitaciones: Compartir: Permitido según las limitaciones (6 Dispositivos)
  • Edición: 2014
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Materias:
    • Formato: EPUB
    • ISBN: 9781631350795