Donna E. Warren

In this engaging and visually striking children’s book, Marcus and his mother witness an amazing rainbow in the sky. As the colors begin to fade, Marcus’ mother assures him that he will see many colors in other things that surround him. What will they find on a trip to the grocery shop? Will the fruit and vegetable aisle reveal varieties of color that will enchant and excite Marcus? What else can they find in the store that will offer a range of hue? Colors of the Rainbow will educate young children with its entertaining format and enjoyable lesson about color that also carries a message about the nutritional value of fresh produce

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Detalles del producto

  • Limitaciones: Compartir: Permitido según las limitaciones (6 Dispositivos)
  • Editorial: ELOQUENT BOOKS
  • Paginas: 26
  • Edición: 2014
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Materias:
    • Formato: EPUB
    • ISBN: 9781622122141